The second "member" of the circulatory system that should be mentioned is the heart which is the muscular organ that pumps the blood through the system by contraction and dilation. The heart has four chambers, two atria, and two ventricles. The right side of the heart (right atrium and right ventricle) is responsible for pumping and controlling the oxygenated blood while the left side (left atrium and left ventricle) is responsible for deoxygenated blood.
Blood vessels are also an important component to call attention to in the circulatory syste

I think that the lab done in class was very helpful for us to understand the heart. When I started to learn the events that occur within the heart that causes the blood to move throughout the whole body, I

This now leads me to the mechanisms that control the heartbeat. The heartbeat is the myogenic which is the muscle contraction of the heart. Then, the SAN (mentioned above) generates an electrical impulse on its own with a regular frequency, known as pacemaker. This impulse is spread to both atria, causing the two to contract in unison. The AVN (atrio ventricular node) picks this impulse that was spread in the right atrium septum and conduces it to the ventricles through fibers, causing the heart to contract and "relax" - the heart beat.
I've explained basic functions and concepts present in the transport system, and now the basic process of the blood flow throughout the whole body will be outlined. To begin with the right atrium receives blood from the body through the vena cava, the blood then passes through the right atrioventricular valve, which is closed when contracted, keeping the blood from re-entering the atrium. Following, the blood goes into the right ventricle (the wall of the right ventricle is thinner than the left ventricle and it only pumps blood to the lungs). Then, the blood goes to the right semilunar valve (beginning of artery) and it closes to prevent the blood from flowing back to the ventricle. The blood goes into the pulmonary artery, which takes the deoxygenated blood to the lungs. Once it is taken, the blood goes to both the left and right lungs. In the lungs, the capillaries that are present are in close contact with the alveoli so the blood can release CO2 and pick up O2. The alveoli (even though it's more relevant in the respiratory system) has a large surface area (because it's round), has a short diffusion distance from the blood, has a dense capillary network, and has a moist solution of gases - all of which facilitate the exchange of CO2 and O2. Next, from the lungs, the pulmonary vein carries the now oxygenated blood back to the heart, which is received from the left atrium. The blood then passes through the left atrioventricular valve and enters the left ventricle (the wall of the left ventricle is is thicker than the right ventricle and it pumps blood to the whole body). After this, the blood passes through the left semilunar valve which is at the start of the aorta. The aorta is the main and largest artery of the body; from the artery, the coronary artery branches off, which supplies blood to the heart muscle so it can pump. If the coronary artery is blocked, it can cause parts of the heart to die if they don't get the nutrients and oxygen. At last, the aorta also branches off into arteries that distributes blood tho the whole body, marking this as the last step in the transport system as the process begins all over again.
Below is a short video that I found on circulation. I chose this brief video because it's easy to understand and underlines the basic process of circulation.
Below is the concept map I did for the transport system. It's pretty big but contains important aspects to be studied.
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